Monday, October 28, 2019

Uli Aigner, One Million @ Berlinische Gallery, Original Bauhaus, die Jubiläumsausstellung

Beautifully executed and installed this part of the exhibit was one of my highlights at the already excellent presentation

ONE MILLION @ original bauhaus - die Jubiläumsausstellung
Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin 06.09.2019–27.01.2020 / Fotos by Catrin Schmitt…/aktue…/original-bauhaus/

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Berlinische Galerie: Bettina Pousttchi. In Recent Years, Berlin

Bettina Pousttchi. In Recent Years

What is public space and what are the laws to which we must adhere to in various different time epochs. Reconstructed and deconstructed we are confronted with the somewhat familiar but yet distorted seeing just like we measure time as time measures us against our own actions.

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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Don Bachardi & Christopher Isherwood exhibit, My Sweet Love, at Schwulesmuseum , Berlin

„My Dearest Sweet Love“, was an exhibition to celebrate not just art but also relationships, love and in this case a true gay love story that elevated both artists creative output and serves as inspiration for all of us that yes that kind of love is possible and cocreation can be at its center.
Beautifully conceived and executed it allowed a grand view behind the curtain of success and that yes fame is great but to share it is even greater. Both dared to be public with their love long before anybody had any rights to flaunt their gay soul. It is also proof how we enrich culture and that now that we have more freedom we can dare to shape the future of society even more for the better of all.

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