Monday, October 28, 2019

Uli Aigner, One Million @ Berlinische Gallery, Original Bauhaus, die Jubiläumsausstellung

Beautifully executed and installed this part of the exhibit was one of my highlights at the already excellent presentation

ONE MILLION @ original bauhaus - die Jubiläumsausstellung
Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin 06.09.2019–27.01.2020 / Fotos by Catrin Schmitt…/aktue…/original-bauhaus/

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Berlinische Galerie: Bettina Pousttchi. In Recent Years, Berlin

Bettina Pousttchi. In Recent Years

What is public space and what are the laws to which we must adhere to in various different time epochs. Reconstructed and deconstructed we are confronted with the somewhat familiar but yet distorted seeing just like we measure time as time measures us against our own actions.

more info at