"reflektor distortion"
until May 28, 2016 in Berlin
Reflection is distortion, is the process the mind uses to make sense of what can't be understood through touch and taste but is transmitted through our visual cortex and identified as environmental stimulation.
We are conditioned to function in a simple world inhabited by the natural but since the development of our frontal lobe we also have to deal with our imagination which led to the cultural, industrial, social and communication revolution.
Our life has become impulse oriented and in the process we became addicted to mini dopamine releases that give us a sense of superiority in context to what is considered other by which I mean in different to the way we see ourselves these days as Selfies....
We are hunting for stimulation in all corners of our urbanity and in this case find light and stripes and optical illusions, refelctions and disorientation which we find entertaining because they make no sense in the sense that they have no direct use for us.
Our thoughts self organize and built a logical construct out of the illogical.
That's why we are so fascinated with Art and these experimentations don't fail to do so as well.
more info at
distorted photography by Richard Schemmerer
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