Sunday, June 26, 2016

Francesco Cascavilla -- Between you and me

Francesco Cascavilla -- Between you and me at The Ballery

Between you and me, between us, between what we see and what we think are worlds that need to be daily united. What happens on the way from observation to expression and who is the director of our thoughts and allows us to make the right decision that benefit all of us and not just a few even if we are part of the few. It is more then ever important to asked ourselves about our own intentions and motivations and to align them with the higher good of society a society that is as multifaceted as Nature allows it.

Francesco Cascavilla invites us with his photography exhibit to refine our questions so we can find and deeper togetherness rather then to drift further apart.
Our reality is a place of intimacy and to cut out others in the process is against human nature and inflicts great harm not just on the individual but also on the group consciousness resulting in psychologically damaged offspring.

We all can be part of this new healing that is called for by starting with our own personal relationships, starting within ones own shell to extend the partnership to our next of keen and loved ones. This is a calling to be more than ever a loving and kind being worth its time span on Earth.

more info at

Friday, June 24, 2016

BREXIt -- Queen England or it is not the exit or why stupid people should still be allowed to vote by Richard Schemmerer

"Don't brexit if its not broken"

photography and copyright by Richard Schemmerer

BREX-it is not the exit or why stupid people should still be allowed to vote
even if it means twice or until they get it right because the lies of the liars take a little to come to the surface

Queen England

my lady though has made a vopah
not because you don't like you know
the way things went down with you and
the lords of the United Europe
almost nobody's voice was heard
but the faces dared to yell in discussed
in disbelieve that the frustration
could boil over like bangers in hot water
or soccer fans in a foreign stadium
the masses yelling burn it down
before you Brexit but what now
the game is lost the buzz worn off
nothing the Queen can't fix you think
as you pray to survive the hangover
but no the Lords are mad about the fools
no return ticket is offered as a token
of understanding your Prime's plunder
not to talk about the right to oppose
like a boy that ejaculated to early
you inserted your brain into your ass
and now its dark there and smelly
and the spoiled brat is having a tantrum
a sorts of buyers regrets in this case
it's the losers but who cares but the winners
with the billions that you helped shuffle
from the global Kabal to stiff you once more
the small minded men who don't understand
that Brexit means post Europe, means post Future
means suck on your own limp willy for pleasure
the apocalypse seems closer in the rare view mirror
and still they never have enough of it the right wingers
whose ashen wings have long burned to rubble
in the hell of their own making in their own minds
all left over Imperialists now worried what comes home
to roost next to the pristine hypocrisy and its hierarchy
entertained for to long by the power hungry few
who spew hate like cream cheese on canapés for high tea
so you broke what was not broken and now what
you think the Fairy God mother is real
and the Queen still a Queen with power to lead
but the empire is long dead and was build
on the killing fields you seem to so admire
in your foolish blindness seeing only race and color
while you still let bombs drop like slogans
for a high minded culture that eats its own young
to be able to keep in denial of ones own failure
to be the kind of human worth the title humankind
so stop behaving like an entitled outmoded queen
and share the wealth you stole from other far away places

Carl Andre -- Sculpture as Place at Hamburger Bahnhof

Gestures are empty if perceived in a void of intellectuality. By that I mean that nothing is new until the old disappears from our mental radar screen. Every Generation Next has it's own scale of value but mostly it does copy already existing tastes and makes them their own as if previous epochs didn't inform their judgement, didn't exist.
We don't exist in a vacuum so the place we inhabit is the realm that presents us with reality. The essence of this statement is that we are a Gesamtkunstwerk or translated comprehensive work of art as in all encompassing.

The Earth as sculpture a living one for that matter and a place for us to be astonished about the space we inhabit. Minimal as minimalism. We are the core of all we observe because nothing matters if we don't pay attention to it.
Place is sculpture, is room for our expressions of pleasure or dismay.
The air we breath is the remnant of past civilization. Art is the reinterpretation what other cultures have observed during their life cycle.

more info at

photography and copyright by Richard Schemmerer

Carl Andre -- Sculpture as Place at Hamburger Bahnhof

Gestures are empty if perceived in a void of intellectuality. By that I mean that nothing is new until the old disappears from our mental radar screen. Every Generation Next has it's own scale of value but mostly it does copy already existing tastes and makes them their own as if previous epochs didn't inform their judgement, didn't exist.
We don't exist in a vacuum so the place we inhabit is the realm that presents us with reality. The essence of this statement is that we are a Gesamtkunstwerk or translated comprehensive work of art as in all encompassing.

The Earth as sculpture a living one for that matter and a place for us to be astonished about the space we inhabit. Minimal as minimalism. We are the core of all we observe because nothing matters if we don't pay attention to it.
Place is sculpture, is room for our expressions of pleasure or dismay.
The air we breath is the remnant of past civilization. Art is the reinterpretation what other cultures have observed during their life cycle.

more info at

photography and copyright by Richard Schemmerer

Akademie Der Kuenste -- Children in Exile -- by Richard Schemmerer

Children in Exile

Exile is when we are displaced from our birth place for whatever reason and forced to experience a different culture. This in it self is not a bad thing but it becomes more complicated if it happens because our home land becomes a war zone. In this case the exhibit talks about the past and the damage or challenges the children of now considered famous parents were exposed to.

Life is not always fair and maybe some of us think that leaving in exile has some romantic components and gives us room for growth. In truth it sets a psychological nightmare in gear that transforms the human from its destined path onto a detour and the original person is forever lost in the process.

This presentation highlights the true victims of war namely the children and many of todays children don't have famously talented parents that are welcomed in their new homelands with prestige but more the opposite they are seen as intruders in a shark tank and only observed us invaders but as the past teaches us we don't know the potential of each individual and in that regard we need to see them as treasures to our society rather then as a diminishment even if we lose some of our own heritage. The price is that we gain in humanity because in todays world borders are artificial as we had towards the understanding that the Earth belongs to all. What is called for is hearts without borders and minds free of prejudice.

more info at

photography and copyright by Richard Schemmerer

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Da Da Berlin Avantgarde is alive by Richard Schemmerer

Berlin Avantgarde is alive

DA DA Da he Avantgarde is alive

Worte sind wie Springbrunnen
Willkommene Frische aus der tiefe der Seele

Words are like fountains
Welcome refreshment from the depth of the soul

Neue Gedanken kuemmern sich wenig
Mit den Schwingungen der Geschmecker

New thoughts could care less
About the ups and downs of tastes

Endlos ist das Ziel
Die Avantgarde ist am Leben

Never ending is the goal
The Avantgarde is alive

Der Staus Quo ist immer am Sterben
Auch when er es nicht weiss

The Status Quo is constantly dying
Without knowing that it is

Die Norm can sich nur wiederrufen
Denn die Situation bleibt niemals die Selbe

The norm can only contradict itself
Because the situation stays never the same

Auch wenn du den Atem anhaelts
Geht die Zeit weiter ohne Bereuung

Even if you hold your breath
The time moves on without regret

Denn eine tote Avantgarde
Ist immer noch besser

Because a dead Avantgarde
is still better

Ist immer noch mehr am leben
als eine lebende veralterte Sichtweise

is still more alive than
a living but out dated mode of observation

Da Da Da
Da Da Da

9th Berlin Biennale -- upstaging the digital revolution -- by Richard Schemmerer

No it was not the venue, the exhibit, a hot art fresh talent, a sexy German blond or a new gadget but an old man in a simple postal yellow suit that stole the show and made the drag that the art world has become all to obvious. What a great joke on the jokers the DIS collectives of the world the art monger and auction house whores, pardon my English.

He didn't care sure possible empower by a few schnapps but who is counting who cares because nobody got the joke because they have given up their sense of self irony at the temple of art snobbery. Hail to the rebels who don't give a fuck if it matters.
My hats up for the mellow man in yellow at the biggest night in the German art year.